Academic East, Bucknell’s brand-new engineering and education building, is opening up hundreds of one-of-a-kind learning experiences for Bucknell students. For Patricia Cupay ’21, a civil engineering major from Beach Park, Ill., those experiences began months before the facility opened its doors.
As a research project, Patricia had access to the building throughout the 16 months it was under construction, tracking and explaining what was happening through the @bucknellbuilds Instagram account. Hands-on work with professors like Ronald Ziemian, civil & environmental engineering, has piqued her interest the way only a real-world experience can.
“Research has made my curiosity grow even bigger,” Patricia says. “Every time I answer a question I’m looking into, it leads me to more questions. There’s just so much to learn beyond what’s in the textbook.”
Academic East, Bucknell’s brand-new engineering and education building, is opening up hundreds of one-of-a-kind learning experiences for Bucknell students. For Patricia Cupay ’21, a civil engineering major from Beach Park, Ill., those experiences began months before the facility opened its doors.
As a research project, Patricia had access to the building throughout the 16 months it was under construction, tracking and explaining what was happening through the @bucknellbuilds Instagram account. Hands-on work with professors like Ronald Ziemian, civil & environmental engineering, has piqued her interest the way only a real-world experience can.
“Research has made my curiosity grow even bigger,” Patricia says. “Every time I answer a question I’m looking into, it leads me to more questions. There’s just so much to learn beyond what’s in the textbook.”
Perkiomenville, Pa
“In a way it’s a job, but it’s more than that because it’s so relevant to what I want to do,” he says.
Carmel, Ind.
“It’s a real-life experience where you really get to interact with your stakeholders and leave a lasting impact,” she says.
- Developed a robot for hospitals that delivers basic items to patients, allowing nurses to focus on more personalized care
- Explored a more effective way to recycle K-Cups
- Used machine learning to forecast monthly temperature extremes
- Studied gender bias in job applications
- Analyzed whether incorporating bacteria into a fruit fly’s food will affect its ability to fight infection