In today’s New York Times these are the numbers: 59.3 million cases, 1.3 million deaths worldwide, in the U.S., more than 250,000 casualties. I’ve known one of them, a fit, middle-aged man who became a “long hauler” (someone who could not shake the virus after months of physical decline) who ended his COVID journey in a Jewish cemetery near Philadelphia. My husband and I miss Rick, and many of you also miss someone who should still be with us.
There’s something else I miss — hearing from you. Many of the 55 readers who switched to a digital-only subscription after reading the fall editor’s note sent a few words about how much they enjoy the magazine. That was terrific, but like many other college magazines during the pandemic, ours has experienced a drop-off in actual letters to the editor. If something resonates with you, please send me a short letter (up to 300 words).
And last year’s hope theme? Let’s not give up on that. Bucknell finished the fall semester strong, unlike many other schools, never having to pause or send students home. With a little hope classes will resume Feb. 1 and, by that time, a vaccine will be making its way around the globe. Yes, hope springs eternal. Bring it on, 2021.