Photo: R. Michael Kaar
A Bridge Not Too Far
Pursuing a civil engineering degree later in life has not left Virginia Feigles-Kaar ’99 behind the curve in her career. She is now a marketing segment leader at the engineering and design firm Dewberry, after spending 20 years with the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation managing highway and bridge-design projects.
1. How did Bucknell shape your career?
Bucknell provided a top-notch education in civil engineering and taught me how to reflect on ideas, issues and design concepts and evaluate them with an open mind. The professors were outstanding and totally focused on your success.
2. What class opened your eyes the most?
My first engineering class was Statics and Dynamics, a summer session course, so it was compressed. When I walked out of my first class I knew I had signed up for the big leagues!
3. If you could go back to college, what would you do differently?
I would have gone when I was younger. I was a nontraditional student, starting college at age 42, and it was really tough.
4. What fun moment at Bucknell is the most memorable for you?
The class trip with Dr. [Dick] McGinnis was outstanding. We went to a seaport shipping terminal, a major interstate construction project and the Newark Airport control tower.
5. What lesson did you learn at Bucknell that you still carry with you?
I was determined, persistent and worked very hard to get through the engineering curriculum. Every time I wavered, Associate Dean of Engineering Trudy Cunningham and Kathleen Swindler ’99 never faltered in their faith in me. Through their encouragement and confidence I learned to have confidence in myself. I can do just about anything.