Built: 1932; Currently Incarcerated: 1,433 (938 at the penitentiary and 495 at the connected minimum-security camp)
notorious Inmates
Al Capone, Jimmy Hoffa, Whitey Bulger, Henry Hill, Bayard Rustin, Alger Hiss
Originally named the North Eastern Penitentiary; Infamous for the 1995 prison riot started by 10 inmates. Resulted in more than 400 inmates being transferred. More than 20 inmates were hospitalized. In 2009, the Bureau of Prisons (BOP) designated USP Lewisburg as a “Special Management Unit” to hold the most violent inmates.
Built 1913 as the Industrial Home for Women (“a training school for imprisoned women”), incorporated into the Bureau of Corrections in 1953; Currently Incarcerated: 1,472
notorious Inmates
3 Death Row Inmates: Michelle Sue Tharp; Carolyn King; Shonda Dee Walter; 170 “lifers” (women serving a life sentence) including the “Craigslist Killer” Miranda Barbour SCI Muncy is a women’s prison. It houses Pennsylvania’s death row for women. It also serves as the processing center for all women entering the state prison system. It is described as looking like an early 1900s college campus.
Built: 1993; Currently Incarcerated: 2,309
The prison was built in 1993 to address issues of overcrowding in the state prison system. It was also intended to create jobs in a struggling economy.