There was only one, tough hitch: I was a lesbian. Support for the LGBTQ community on campus was much different then. There were no departments on campus equivalent to today’s Office of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans* & Queer Resources or affinity groups such as the current LGBTQA Alumni Group. In fact, despite knowing many faculty and staff who identified as part of the LGBTQ community, I can’t recall another individual at Bucknell who was out in 1983. That lack of support was challenging to say the least.
After my master’s I went on to run domestic violence and rape crisis centers in Lewisburg (thanks, Janice Butler!) and would often find young women or men sitting on my doorstep when I came home after 15-hour, trauma-inducing shifts. They’d look up at me and say, ‘Are you the lesbian?’ I’d say, ‘Yes.’ And they’d say, ‘I want to kill myself.’ And we’d go inside for some tea.
Today, as the executive director of PFLAG National, I am honored to guide and support the passionate work of more than 250,000 members, supporters and advocates working in communities all over this country. Our common goal is to create the conditions wherein all LGBTQ people can exercise self-determination over their bodies and their lives without the loss of family, livelihood or life — to create a world where all of us can thrive, with dignity, exactly as we are. I could not be more grateful for my path and for all of the people I struggled with and loved deeply during my six and a half years in the ’burg. You all know who you are! I miss you, and I feel lucky to have been formed in the crucible of struggle there, in that most beautiful of valleys.