Bucknell Magazine Summer 2024

Bucknell Summer 2024 Cover
Summer 2024


Creativity and beauty converge at Bucknell Hall, home of Bucknell’s Stadler Center for Poetry & Literary Arts. Learn about a new poetry program the center launched this spring on P. 7.
photograph by Emily Paine
If you would like a reprint of this photo, please fill out the form at go.bucknell.edu/PhotoOffer. We will send you a complimentary 8×10 print.
outside view of Bucknell Hall with flag in front that says Follow Your Curiosity


Creativity and beauty converge at Bucknell Hall, home of Bucknell’s Stadler Center for Poetry & Literary Arts. Learn about a new poetry program the center launched this spring on P. 7.
photograph by Emily Paine
If you would like a reprint of this photo, please fill out the form at go.bucknell.edu/PhotoOffer. We will send you a complimentary 8×10 print.


From Russia to Abu Dhabi to Bucknell
by brooke thames
photograph by emily paine
By the time she applied to Bucknell, Anna Lajos ’25 had lived in three different countries and spoke as many languages.

The Poland-born daughter of Russian and Hungarian parents, Lajos grew up paying yearly visits to family across Central Europe — amid a packed extracurricular schedule.

“My mom put me in every activity I could possibly do. Ballet, piano, horseback riding, swimming,” says Lajos, who spent her childhood in Russia. “I started playing tennis, and for some reason, that stuck with me.”

Lajos began playing tournaments at eight years old and was soon training at tennis academies in Spain during the summer. Then a career change for her father took the family to Abu Dhabi, where she attended high school.

When searching for colleges, Lajos wanted to attend a school on the East Coast of the U.S. “I spent some Christmases here with my family and came to love the country,” she says. “Tammy Cecchini [Bucknell’s women’s tennis head coach] was one of a hundred coaches I emailed, and she called me the same day. I ended up being the first international student she ever recruited.”

Lajos is now pursuing a major in international relations at Bucknell — alongside her position on the women’s tennis team — with the goal of someday working within the United Nations.

“I’ve had so much experience living in different places. I want to continue to be in an atmosphere filled with different languages, cultures and political views,” she says. “The UN is an organization where there are so many opportunities to make a difference.”


From Russia to Abu Dhabi to Bucknell
by brooke thames
photograph by emily paine
By the time she applied to Bucknell, Anna Lajos ’25 had lived in three different countries and spoke as many languages.

The Poland-born daughter of Russian and Hungarian parents, Lajos grew up paying yearly visits to family across Central Europe — amid a packed extracurricular schedule.

“My mom put me in every activity I could possibly do. Ballet, piano, horseback riding, swimming,” says Lajos, who spent her childhood in Russia. “I started playing tennis, and for some reason, that stuck with me.”

Lajos began playing tournaments at eight years old and was soon training at tennis academies in Spain during the summer. Then a career change for her father took the family to Abu Dhabi, where she attended high school.

When searching for colleges, Lajos wanted to attend a school on the East Coast of the U.S. “I spent some Christmases here with my family and came to love the country,” she says. “Tammy Cecchini [Bucknell’s women’s tennis head coach] was one of a hundred coaches I emailed, and she called me the same day. I ended up being the first international student she ever recruited.”

Lajos is now pursuing a major in international relations at Bucknell — alongside her position on the women’s tennis team — with the goal of someday working within the United Nations.

“I’ve had so much experience living in different places. I want to continue to be in an atmosphere filled with different languages, cultures and political views,” she says. “The UN is an organization where there are so many opportunities to make a difference.”


From Teaching Math to Designing Spaces
by Katie Neitz
photograph by emily paine
Chrissy Haney Scheimreif ’16 knows how to make a leap — and land on her feet.

She arrived at Bucknell set on a pre-law track. But a sociology class inspired her to reconsider that plan. “We learned about educational disparities in different parts of the country, and it really interested me,” she says. “It was like I had an awakening.” When a Teach for America recruiter visited campus, “I decided to jump in with both feet.” After graduation, she moved to Boston and spent the next five years teaching seventh-grade math. “It was hard but meaningful work.”

In 2020, the pandemic and a second baby on the way prompted her and husband Jesse Scheimreif ’16 to reassess their goals. “We were grinding, and we realized we wanted a different environment for raising our kids,” she says. So in 2021, they returned to Lewisburg.

The relocation enabled Scheimreif to lean into her lifelong love of interior design. She had never considered it a career option — until now. When her local Lowe’s was hiring a kitchen designer, she went for it. “It was a steep learning curve, but I loved it,” she says. “I knew this is what I wanted to do.”

Scheimreif connected with Bucknell’s Small Business Development Center (SBDC), which helps aspiring entrepreneurs develop thriving businesses. With the SBDC’s guidance, she launched Highland Design by Chrissy in 2023. From her Lewisburg home office/studio, Scheimreif helps clients transform their spaces into personalized reflections of style and functionality.

“I’m lucky I had the opportunity to do this,” she says. “Taking a big risk to follow my dream wouldn’t have been possible without the support I had.”


From Teaching Math to Designing Spaces
by Katie Neitz
photograph by emily paine
Chrissy Haney Scheimreif ’16 knows how to make a leap — and land on her feet.

She arrived at Bucknell set on a pre-law track. But a sociology class inspired her to reconsider that plan. “We learned about educational disparities in different parts of the country, and it really interested me,” she says. “It was like I had an awakening.” When a Teach for America recruiter visited campus, “I decided to jump in with both feet.” After graduation, she moved to Boston and spent the next five years teaching seventh-grade math. “It was hard but meaningful work.”

In 2020, the pandemic and a second baby on the way prompted her and husband Jesse Scheimreif ’16 to reassess their goals. “We were grinding, and we realized we wanted a different environment for raising our kids,” she says. So in 2021, they returned to Lewisburg.

The relocation enabled Scheimreif to lean into her lifelong love of interior design. She had never considered it a career option — until now. When her local Lowe’s was hiring a kitchen designer, she went for it. “It was a steep learning curve, but I loved it,” she says. “I knew this is what I wanted to do.”

Scheimreif connected with Bucknell’s Small Business Development Center (SBDC), which helps aspiring entrepreneurs develop thriving businesses. With the SBDC’s guidance, she launched Highland Design by Chrissy in 2023. From her Lewisburg home office/studio, Scheimreif helps clients transform their spaces into personalized reflections of style and functionality.

“I’m lucky I had the opportunity to do this,” she says. “Taking a big risk to follow my dream wouldn’t have been possible without the support I had.”



An Agricultural Legacy

I read with interest President Bravman’s letter (“Sustainable Success”) in the Spring 2024 issue, in which he discussed Bucknell’s commitment to sustainability. I’m proud of Bucknell’s leadership and track record in this important endeavor.

While President Bravman may have imagined himself a farmer as a young boy, one of his predecessors was a real farmer. Charles H. Watts II H’79, P’80, who served as Bucknell’s president from 1964 to 76, grew up on a farm in Freedom, N.H. Called High Watch, it was a large and prosperous farm that employed many farmhands from the surrounding area. At his father’s insistence, Charlie was one of those farmhands during the summer months when he returned home from boarding school, and later college.

In 1955, while on the English faculty at Brown, Charlie and his wife, Patricia P’80, purchased a farm near High Watch and called it High Meadow Farm. More than a “hobby farm,” High Meadow Farm operated for over 45 years, primarily selling eggs, apples, wood and hay. High Meadow Farm was the Watts’ favorite getaway where they both enjoyed being outdoors and contributing physical labor to the farm’s operations. After leaving Bucknell in 1976, Charlie and Patricia split their time between High Meadow Farm and a home in Boston. As fate would have it, Charlie suffered a fatal heart attack while working at the farm in September 2001 at age 74.

The Bucknell Farm is a great example of Bucknell’s commitment to sustainability. It’s a wonderful interdisciplinary space for academic connections, sustainable food production, student life and wellness, and community engagement. I can’t help thinking how the Bucknell Farm reflects the values that Charlie and Patricia Watts embodied and that guided their work as lifelong conservationists. And I smile when I imagine how pleased they’d be to know that a working farm has been integrated into the life of our beloved university. Perhaps unknown to its developers and volunteers, the Bucknell Farm is a fitting and living tribute to one of our greatest presidents.

Dave Stacy ’73
Middletown, Del.

Disc Jockey

I loved the feature on Harvey Edwards ’78 (“In a League of Their Own”) in the Spring 2024 issue of Bucknell Magazine. I’m a former Ultimate Mudsharker as well. I played from 2002 to 06. Oddly enough, I did not know the origins of how the team started until I read this article. I’m grateful to Harvey for creating such a lasting team sport at Bucknell.

R. Christopher Stokes ’06
Los Angeles

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We love to hear from readers. Please send your feedback, insights, compliments and complaints.
Write to us at: bmagazine@bucknell.edu or Bucknell Magazine, One Dent Drive, Lewisburg, PA 17837

Defining Data Science

I very much liked Matt Jones’s article on data science in the Spring 2024 issue of Bucknell Magazine (“The Data Science Revolution”). It reminded me of “What is Data Science?”, published in the May 2024 issue of the American Statistical Association publication Significance. The latter describes an insightful analysis comparing statistics and data science, and it closes with “perhaps the real question in need of answering is: What is statistics?”

I first learned what statistics is from Paul Benson ’34, M’34, P’68, P’78’s Intro to Statistics course during my sophomore year at Bucknell. Our course text was a book published by Bill Mendenhall ’45, M’50, who taught mathematics at Bucknell from 1959 to ’63. In Chapter 1, he wrote, “The objective of statistics is to make inferences (predictions, decisions) about a population based upon information contained in a sample” and “statistics is an area of science concerned with the extraction of information from numerical data and its use in making inferences about a population from which the data are obtained.”

My training and experience as a biostatistician before the origin of “data science” heavily involved the broader set of activities concerning data quality, interdisciplinary approach and reliance on complex computer algorithms, which are often cited to distinguish data science from statistics. That experience included many consulting sessions at Merck with Princeton Professor John Tukey, a renowned mathematician and statistician. He stressed the importance of concern about the origin and nature of the data, and of learning about the client’s science and context of his/her problem, as essential parts of practicing statistics. This further supports that statistics could have been called data science from the outset; then there wouldn’t be a dispute between those two terms.

James Bolognese ’74
Woodbridge, N.J.

Before Internet Surfing

Kelley Palsa Johnston standing on Chris Curti's back like a surfboard back at their first orientation and then again at their reunion
Photos: Courtesy of Special Collections/University Archives; Justin Vendemia
The Caption Contest photo shows me and Chris Curti ’94 in a freshman orientation icebreaker! I’m surfing on Chris. Chris and I were both at Reunion, and we reenacted the photo!

Kelley Palsa Johnston ’94
Aliquippa, Pa.

I recognized the Caption Contest photo on P. 62 of the Spring 2024 issue right away. During the Class of 1994’s freshman orientation in 1990, we had an event — I think it was held in the gym, possibly — that was fun and combined humor and music. At one point we were asked to partner up with a classmate and “surf” on their backs. It was a way to get to know each other and laugh and be goofy.

Christena Johnston-PulliaM ’94
Rockville, Md.

Table of Contents

Poetic Inspiration
From Russia to Abu Dhabi to Bucknell.
From teaching math to designing spaces.
Our readers share their thoughts.
Bucknell offers three new majors, three new minors.
In Lewisburg and far afield, Bucknellians make a positive and palpable difference.
The Michael C. Pascucci ’58 Team Center opened in April.
Annie Seibold Drapeau ’88 assumed the role July 1.
New partnership aims to foster community around the table.
How to Be Alone: Religion, Solitude and Loneliness.
Danny Gevirtz ’16 crafts a feature-length film.
Kona Glenn ’25 powers through the water with scientific precision.
Why larval zebrafish are ideal organisms for scientific study.
The Class of 2024 gets its long-awaited cap-and-gown moment.
Five Bucknell employee relations experts offer insights for bridging generational gaps at work.
Get a glimpse of the breadth of experiences new grads are having as they make their first marks in the world.
A group of Bucknellians is bringing back a decades-old club that prepares the next generation of emergency service responders.
Finding Your People
Patrick Henry M’10’s debut story collection is a work of magical realism.
Akash Kaul ’11, Tom Sprague ’12 and Cory Bishop ’12 are the team behind Unio, an innovative health care app.
Yani Peyton ’93 preps young children for life as global citizens.
Senior Producer Jeesoo Park ’07 combines cinematic storytelling with breaking news coverage.
Rooke family receives William Bucknell Philanthropy Award.
Colbey Russell ’24 is Bucknell’s first Public Safety officer to graduate from the University.
The former emeritus trustee established the Berelson Center for Jewish Life at Bucknell.
The former Emeritus professor of psychology and provost is remembered for driving positive change in environmental policy.
Your opportunities to get involved.
Our favorite caption submissions
On the Susquehanna River.

Volume 17, Issue 3

Vice President For Marketing & Communications
Heather Johns P’27

Katie Neitz

Barbara Wise

Kory Kennedy Design
(features, covers)
Amy Wells
(Gateway, Class Notes)

Emily Paine

Matt Jones

Heidi Hormel

Kim Faulk

Dave Block, Megan Collins ’24, Sarah Downey ’25, Shana Ebright, Mike Ferlazzo, James T. Giffen, Matt Hughes, Brooke Thames, Brad Tufts, Christina Masciere Wallace P’22, Kate Williard


Class Notes:

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(ISSN 1044-7563), of which this is volume 17, number 3, is published in winter, spring, summer and fall by Bucknell University, One Dent Drive, Lewisburg, PA 17837. Periodicals Postage paid at Lewisburg, PA, and additional mailing offices.
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man holding marker speaking at front of classroom next to whiteboard with projection of math work and students sitting at desks watching
Photo: Emily Paine
Sam Gutekunst, the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Assistant Professor of Data Science, will contribute to the new major.

More to Learn

Bucknell’s course catalog offers new courses of study this fall
by Brooke thames
Three new majors and minors will bring fresh opportunities for interdisciplinary learning, creative thinking and career readiness.

The majors

Data science: This new interdisciplinary co-major underscores Bucknell’s commitment to ensuring students are prepared to tackle data-driven problems. A bachelor of arts degree in data science will be available as a co-major to students whose primary major is business analytics, computer science, statistics or mathematics, enabling students studying those fields to dive more deeply into an area central to their major. The curriculum will complement the programs and initiatives offered through Bucknell’s Dominguez Center for Data Science.

Chinese and Japanese: Previously offered as concentrations within the East Asian studies major, these areas of study will now be available as separate majors for students aiming to develop comprehensive language skills and a deep understanding of Chinese and Japanese heritage, history and social dynamics. These new offerings allow students to specialize in a particular area of study while enabling the East Asian studies major to evolve and offer a broader cultural competency in both China and Japan.

The minors

Community-engaged leadership: Developed in partnership with the Engaged Bucknell Coordinating Council, this new minor will enhance students’ ability to work with community partners, lead with empathy and initiate social change in preparation for work in public policy, advocacy or media. The program’s five-credit requirement includes two interdisciplinary foundational courses centered on engaged leadership topics as well as 260 hours of community service.

Health humanities: Housed within the College of Arts & Sciences, this program will draw upon history, philosophy, cultural studies and the social sciences to create a well-rounded, humanistic understanding of health and medicine. The curriculum includes 30 courses, five of which are required to complete the minor. The program was developed over the past two years with funding from a $150,000 National Endowment for the Humanities grant.

Markets, innovation & design (MIDE): The Freeman College of Management is expanding access to its MIDE program by introducing it as a minor available to students University-wide. This will allow a broader range of students to develop an understanding of consumer behavior that can help drive innovation across industries.

News Ticker

Bright Minds

Bucknell has been named a “top producer” of Fulbright students by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. Four Bucknellians, chosen from approximately 10,000 applicants nationwide, are studying, conducting research and teaching abroad as part of the 2023-24 Fulbright U.S. Student Program.

Excelling & Innovating

Bucknell’s Small Business Development Center (SBDC) received Pennsylvania’s 2024 Small Business Development Center Excellence and Innovation Award. Since it was established in 1979, the SBDC has supported more than 8,000 entrepreneurs and small business owners, including 40 new clients this past year.

Clearing the Air

As part of its commitment to public health, starting Aug. 1, the University is implementing a new policy prohibiting smoking and the use of tobacco products across all campus facilities and properties.

’burg and Beyond

In Lewisburg and far afield, Bucknellians make a positive and palpable difference
Julia Schaer standing at the front of a classroom teaching a group of students
Photo: Emily Paine
Julia Schaer ’26 guided Lewisburg Area School District second-graders through a poetry-writing workshop.
Orange Right Arrow


Poetry can be a powerful tool to stimulate children’s intellectual curiosity, promote emotional growth, and enhance language and vocabulary skills. With those benefits in mind, the students, faculty and staff of Bucknell’s Stadler Center for Poetry & Literary Arts approached Lewisburg Area School District with the idea of launching a series of poetry workshops for students in first through 12th grades, timed to National Poetry Month in April. Their goal? To make the literary art accessible and fun while building the imagin-ations and confidence of budding writers.


’burg and Beyond

In Lewisburg and far afield, Bucknellians make a positive and palpable difference
Alondra Freundt Olaya sitting at a desk and typing on a laptop while smiling
Photo: Emily Paine
Alondra Freundt Olaya ’27 collects school supplies and delivers them to students in her native Peru.
Orange Right Arrow


When Alondra Freundt Olaya ’27 moved to the United States from Peru in 2011, she did more than just cross borders. She entered into a new world of opportunity. In rural Peru, due to lack of support systems, only about 36% of girls graduate from high school. In America, Freundt Olaya realized her access to resources could help to close that gap.

A Bison Stronghold

by kate williard
photography by Emily Paine and JAMES T. GIFFEN
Jermaine Truax speaking at podium
At the dedication ceremony in April, Jermaine Truax, vice president, director of athletics & recreation, said the new center is one of the finest facilities in the Patriot League.
The Michael C. Pascucci ’58 Team Center, a 16,000-square-foot training hub tailored for Bucknell’s Division I student-athletes, opened in April.

The center was funded by Michael ’58, P’81, P’87, G’21, G’22 and Jocelyn Pascucci P’81, P’87, G’21, G’22, whose $40 million pledge in 2021 stands as the largest single gift in the University’s history. Of their commitment, $10 million developed the Pascucci Family Athletics Complex, enhancing the area around Christy Mathewson-Memorial Stadium. Supplemental support for the complex ensured the project was 100% donor-funded.

Earlier phases of the project included the installation of a modern LED video board at the south end of Christy Mathewson-Memorial Stadium in 2021 and the completion of a turf practice field in 2022.

“The initial phases of the Pascucci Family Athletics Complex have already had a significant positive impact on student-athlete performance and the game-day atmosphere at Christy Mathewson-Memorial Stadium,” says Jermaine Truax, vice president, director of athletics & recreation. “We are incredibly excited about the completion of the Pascucci Team Center. The modern training facility will even further enhance the student-athlete experience for multiple Bison programs. We are profoundly grateful for the support of Michael Pascucci and all of the donors who helped make this team center a reality.”

The remaining $30 million of the Pascucci pledge supports unrestricted, need-based financial aid.

Board of Trustees Elects New Chair

by Mike Ferlazzo
Annie Seibold Drapeau headshot
Photo: Gordon R. Wenzel
Annie Seibold Drapeau ’88 is the new chair of the Bucknell Board of Trustees.

Board of Trustees Elects New Chair

by Mike Ferlazzo
Annie Seibold Drapeau ’88, a seasoned leader and trustee since July 2019, was unanimously elected the Board of Trustees chair in April.

Drapeau’s tenure as a trustee has been marked by significant contributions, including chairing the Human Resources Committee and the Executive Resources Subcommittee, as well as serving on various other committees. She has also been an advisory board member for the Freeman College of Management and is an active participant in alumni and admissions activities.

Drapeau, who studied chemical engineering at Bucknell and received an MBA from Dartmouth, is an executive coach who most recently served as chief people officer at Toast, a Boston-based software company. Beyond her professional endeavors, Drapeau serves on the board of directors of the Posse Foundation, a nonprofit providing scholarships and leadership training to students from diverse backgrounds. She also chairs the Posse Boston Advisory Board, demonstrating her commitment to education and community engagement.

“Bucknell’s distinctive academic depth and breadth, vibrant community and dedication to ensuring every voice is valued and heard make it a truly exceptional institution,” Drapeau says. “I am excited to work alongside President Bravman and the talented faculty, staff, students and fellow trustees to further advance Bucknell’s mission and ensure its continued success.”

Drapeau succeeds Chris O’Brien ’80, P’18, P’20, who served two terms as board chair and helped the University navigate the COVID-19 pandemic while being a champion for the University’s commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion, and freedom of expression.

a fresh take on dining

New partnership aims to foster community around the table
by Mike Ferlazzo
view of MacDonald Commons
Photo: Courtesy of Chartwells Higher Education
An artist’s rendering of Chartwells Higher Education’s plans for updates at MacDonald Commons.
Bucknell’s dining halls and cafés are places where ideas are exchanged and bonds are formed, fueling students’ success in and out of the classroom. With that in mind, Bucknell entered into a contract with Chartwells Higher Education, a dining partner committed to building community while advancing inclusivity and sustainability.

“Dining is a critical part of the student experience. It’s important to not only meet our students’ nutritional needs, but also to fully integrate dining into the residential educational experience,” says Lisa Keegan, vice president for student enrollment, engagement & success and co-chair of the Dining Steering Committee.

Chartwells intends to reimagine Bucknell’s dining program. A newly created position of campus culinary liaison, for example, will work closely with students in cultural clubs and organizations to create a dining experience reflecting students’ preferences and backgrounds.

By offering diverse food options and supporting initiatives that ensure access, Chartwells aims to help Bucknell foster a more equitable dining structure.

The company also prioritizes sustainability and will use locally sourced food, including produce grown at Bucknell Farm, as much as possible to create delicious and nutritious meals for the campus community.

Chartwells, which serves more than 300 colleges and universities, was selected after a yearlong process that included campus presentations and tastings. The vendor was the top choice of students, faculty and staff.

Professor John Penniman teaching at the front of a classroom
Photo: Emily Paine
“My hope is that this course brings to life a fascinating historical phenomenon, making its complexity more tangible for my students,” says Professor John Penniman, chair of religious studies.
cool class orange icon

How to Be Alone: Religion, Solitude and Loneliness

Professor John Penniman, chair of religious studies, brings students together to explore the historical significance and modern dynamics of social isolation
Early in the COVID-19 pandemic, most of us spent stretches of time physically isolated from our communities. I thought a course on religious histories of solitude could help students think critically about loneliness and solitude as facets of a contemporary health crisis and as crucial elements in a much longer religious history. The first half of the course is dedicated to ancient and medieval histories of social withdrawal. The second half explores responses to the modern loneliness epidemic from different disciplinary perspectives.

When I taught How to Be Alone: Religion, Solitude and Loneliness in spring 2021, it was clear that the students were invested in the conversation from day one. They exhibited a proactive curiosity that usually takes weeks to develop. We wrestled with questions for which there are no clear answers: What is the cause of loneliness? How does it differ from solitude? Does a religious tradition amplify or alleviate one’s sense of disconnection from the world? Why, in the age of the internet, do Americans seem lonelier than ever?

Students develop a deeper sensitivity to how religion shapes and is shaped by our world through exploring long-standing questions about social isolation. But they also sharpen a set of mental habits that will serve them beyond the classroom. For example, I encourage them to engage in a range of “solitude exercises” — eating alone at the cafeteria, sitting alone on the Quad, going to a movie alone, or writing a letter to a friend — without a phone nearby.

Pop Quiz

Pop Quiz: Danny Gevirtz ’16

Danny Gevirtz ’16

A Life Like a Movie

Danny Gevirtz ’16 began making YouTube videos as a way to share knowledge with others and build an audience for his passion projects. By the end of 2020, independent filmmaking was his full-time career. His first feature film, I Think I’m Sick, was released on June 7 after an impressive nine-festival run. The movie — a dark comedy about a high school senior redoing his final year after an attempted suicide — won eight of its 11 award nominations, including Best International Feature and Best Narrative Feature.

In which historic cinema house did the film make its big-screen debut?

  1. Campus Theatre, Lewisburg
  2. TCL Chinese Theatre, Los Angeles
  3. Music Box Theatre, Chicago
  4. Keswick Theatre, Glenside, Pa.
Featuring Bucknellian cast members and myriad references to Gevirtz’s experiences as a Bucknell sprinter, the film was first screened at the Campus Theatre in April 2023 for members of the men’s and women’s track and field teams.
Danny Gevirtz smiling with his hands on his hips
Photo: courtesy of Danny Gevirtz ’16
Danny Gevirtz ’16, who studied markets, innovation & design at Bucknell, got his start in filmmaking during a summer internship with rapper, comedian and actor Lil Dicky (whom you might recognize from FX’s DAVE).
Bucknell rowing team in the water
Photos: Emily Paine
Kona Glenn ’25 (center) powers through the water with scientific precision and an in-sync team.

Ready for Launch

by Bryan Wendell
When you grow up in Egg Harbor Township, N.J., just a 20-minute drive from the famed Atlantic City Boardwalk, the ocean is your playground. It was there that Kona Glenn ’25 found her rhythm while rowing.

Glenn was initially drawn to the solitary freedom of single sculling. “You can go wherever you want, do what you want and everything is on you,” she says. But when she arrived at Bucknell, she found synergy with varsity eight, an eight-person boat.

“I really, really love the eight,” she says. “It’s such a cool feeling when you have all eight people rowing in perfect sync. It’s the epitome of a team sport because every person has to be on the same exact page.”

The computer science & engineering and applied mathematics double-major also appreciates her sport’s connection to her academic pursuits.


A Clear View of Science

To the untrained eye, larval zebrafish aren’t much to look at. But a closer examination reveals why they’re ideal organisms for scientific study.
by Matt Jones
photography by Emily Paine
close up of larval zebrafish in water
close up of larval zebrafish in water

A Clear View of Science

To the untrained eye, larval zebrafish aren’t much to look at. But a closer examination reveals why they’re ideal organisms for scientific study.
by Matt Jones
photography by Emily Paine

o really appreciate the zebra-fish, you have to look closely. Because at first glance, the diminutive member of the minnow family appears to be a perfectly ordinary, if not unremarkable, organism. The adults possess a restrained style, with characteristic horizontal stripes that adorn their small bodies, but the newly hatched aren’t much to look at — literally — because they’re only a few millimeters long and nearly fully transparent. However, under a microscope, the zebrafish emerges as a model organism for biological research, both at Bucknell and throughout the world.

“Students can use model organisms to explore questions ranging from the molecular level, like how individual neurons are built, all the way up to the systems level, like how neural circuits drive specific behaviors,” says Professor Matthew Clark, biology. “There are all these different kinds of model organisms, like mice, zebra-fish and fruit flies, that can be studied to better understand how more complex networks of cells and neurons are working together to perform particular functions.”

Bucknell graduates throwing their caps in the air

Pomp It Up!

The Class of 2024 gets its long-awaited cap-and-gown moment at Bucknell’s 174th Commencement ceremony
photography by Emily Paine, James T. giffen and April bartholomew
The Bucknell community gathered on Malesardi Quadrangle Sunday, May 12, to celebrate the academic achievements of the Class of 2024. In keeping with Bucknell tradition, the graduates proudly marched through the iconic Christy Mathewson Gates. However, this year’s ceremony departed from the usual script as “Pomp and Circumstance” — typically played at high school graduations — echoed across the Quad. The song was chosen for the occasion by Professor William Kenny, music, as a special nod to members of the Class of 2024, who likely missed out on traditional high school graduation ceremonies because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Amid light rainfall, the University conferred 874 degrees — 864 bachelors’ degrees and 12 master’s degrees — to students from 32 states and 21 countries. The College of Arts & Sciences conferred 544 undergraduate degrees, the College of Engineering conferred 157, and the Freeman College of Management conferred 161.
Nadia Sasso giving a speech at a podium with a Bucknell University backdrop behind her
" "
Keynote speaker Nadia Sasso ’11 told graduates to be persistent in the face of adversity and seek help from Bucknell’s alumni network. “Building a supportive community is key. With the right people around you, any challenge can become a stepping stone to success,” she said.


EMBRACING THE FUTURE trustee daisy Auger-Domínguez ’95 listens — and learns — from new hires
photograph by EMILY PAINE
digital illustration of a woman trying to enter an elevator going up, but it's filled with people twice her size

From Boomers to Zoomers

Each new generation brings fresh ideas and expectations to the workplace, and the latest crop of young professionals makes a compelling argument for change. Their desires — more flexibility, inclusivity, security and purpose — hold potential benefits for all. Here, five Bucknell employee-relations experts offer insights for bridging generational gaps at work.
by Eveline Chao illustrations by Michael Iver Jacobsen

oday’s modern workplaces boast unprecedented diversity that extends beyond race and ethnicity. Age diversity is more pronounced than ever as five distinct generations are working together for the first time in history. At one end of the spectrum, there are people who are living — and working — longer. At the other, there is the most populous and diverse generation on earth whose oldest members began entering the workforce around 2019.

As this broad intergenerational mix of people converges in conference rooms and on Slack channels, it’s clear that its different communication styles, perspectives on career success and expectations of leadership are already shaking up workplace dynamics.

Generation Z, which includes our newest alumni (see “Oh, The Places They’re Going!”), is frequently burdened with negative stereotypes regarding its work ethic. These employees are often seen as being overly attached to their phones, having short attention spans and lacking loyalty to employers. The truth, of course, is more nuanced (see “Stereotypes vs. Reality”). Like the generations before them, their preferences, skills and behaviors have been shaped by external factors beyond their control, including economic conditions and technological advancements.

vector illustration of the continental United States
seven different location indicators on California, Nevada, Indiana, Massachusetts, New York, Delaware, and Georgia

Oh, the Places They’re Going!

Photos: Emily Paine; James T. Giffen. Illustration: Shutterstock

Oh, the Places They’re Going!

Graduates of the Class of 2024 are spread far and wide, each stepping into their next phase with optimism, intellect and a skill set honed by their Bucknell experience. This group gives just a glimpse of the breadth of experiences new grads are having as they make their first marks on the world.
Amber Cutler headshot

Amber Cutler ’24

The psychology major and English — creative writing minor is pursuing an MFA in creative writing at the University of Nevada, Reno.

“Before Bucknell, when I told people I wanted to be a writer, I’d hear that I should pursue a ‘real job.’ The Bucknell Community College Scholars Program gave me access to resources that enabled me to pursue my creative endeavors and manifest my dreams. I found a nurturing environment within Bucknell’s English — creative writing department, and interning with Bucknell’s literary journal, West Branch, gave me valuable practical publishing experience.”

From left, Danielle Kuck ’27, Christopher Oko ’26, Kathryn Wrynn ’26, Olivia Jaye ’26, Matt Otto ’24, William Burson ’26 and Isabel Byrnes ’27 stand together smiling for a group photo in front of the William Cameron Engine Company with both bay doors open and a yellow fire truck and red and white EMT vehicles in the background

Called to Serv

Between Service and Student

While balancing classes, extracurricular activities and the many social opportunities that beckon college students on the weekends, a core group of students finds the time to volunteer at William Cameron Engine Company while pursuing EMT and firefighter certifications. From left, Danielle Kuck ’27, Christopher Oko ’26, Kathryn Wrynn ’26, Olivia Jaye ’26, Matt Otto ’24, William Burson ’26 and Isabel Byrnes ’27.

Called to Serv
Called to Serv

Bucknellians have always served their community in unique and necessary ways. Now, a group of students is bringing back a decades-old club that prepares the next generation of emergency service responders to provide critical support in communities at Bucknell, in Lewisburg and beyond.

by Matt Jones
photography by Emily Paine
y the time Kathryn Wrynn ’26 arrived on Bucknell’s campus as a first-year student, she was already a nationally certified emergency medical technician (EMT), and she was hungry for opportunities to put her skills to use while connecting with other community-service-minded students. There was just one problem. “I realized that there wasn’t a club for students who had a background in emergency medical care and wanted to make a difference in the community,” says Wrynn, a Montvale, N.J., native and a computer science & engineering major on a pre-health track.

The solution was simple: start a club of her own. Or, rather, revive a club that has, over the past four decades, and under the banner of different names — Volunteer Services, Bucknell Emergency Services Team, University Emergency Medical Services — been a hub for students who want to help people while preparing for careers in medicine. With the help of Olivia Jaye ’26, a cell biology/biochemistry major from Hopkinton, Mass., Wrynn relaunched a medical services club in 2022. Student Emergency Response Volunteers (SERV) is an education and community outreach organization that gives students hands-on training in EMS, fire and rescue by partnering with Lewisburg’s fire and EMS provider, the William Cameron Engine Company.

black and white photo of the Bucknell Emergency Services Team in 1993

Photo of Bucknell Emergency Services Team: Susan Naughton Chong ‘96, P’27

The Bucknell Emergency Services Team, here in 1993, was composed of student volunteeers who collaborated with the William Cameron Engine Company to serve as a campus resource group.

‘ray Bucknell

'ray Bucknell logo
vibrant night Reunion weekend attendees were treated to a dazzling fireworks display

photograph by EMILY PAINE

From the President department heading
Illustration of John C. Bravman, President
Illustration: Joel Kimmel

Finding Your People

Commencement is the best day of the academic year, filled with the joy of students and families celebrating a milestone achievement. For graduates, it is the culmination of meeting four years of relentless challenges — academic and personal, small and large. While many factors must align to make this moment possible, our recent ceremony for the Class of 2024 was a beautiful testament to the powerful role that community plays in student success.

Times may change, but many of the difficulties faced by past generations of students are the same for today’s collegians. After I arrived at Stanford in 1975, I quickly discovered that I was completely unprepared. I had no idea how to study and nearly flunked out. The worst part, though, was feeling overwhelmed and alone on the huge campus, so far from my native New York.

Book Talk typography

The Accidental Collection

by Matt Jones
Patrick Henry headshot
Photo: Lauren Anderson, Sweet Root Village
Patrick Henry M’10
Patrick Henry M’10 didn’t set out to write a story collection. Rather, it was over the course of years and across multiple graduate programs, in between taking classes and teaching his own, that he found small pockets of time to write. It was only in retrospect, upon reviewing the work he’d produced in discontinuous and fragmentary moments of creation, that he recognized a pattern.

“When I started to reread all of these pieces, I noticed I’d been working on a lot of really similar themes. I’ve been writing stories about loneliness, about loss, about the ways these things shape and haunt our lives without us always recognizing that they’re in the background,” says Henry. “I didn’t sit down to write a bunch of stories that were really thematically linked, so I think of this book in many ways as an accidental short story collection.”

Practice for Becoming a Ghost, his debut story collection, is a work of magical realism, a genre that blurs the boundary between fantasy and reality by incorporating fantastical elements into otherwise familiar narratives. The 16 stories were composed across different eras of Henry’s academic career, though he traces some of the most impactful advice he received to his time as a student in Bucknell’s Master of Arts in English program.

Entrepreneur Spotlight
Akash Kaul headshot
Tom Sprague headshot
Cory Bishop headshot
Akash Kaul ’11, Tom Sprague ’12 and Cory Bishop ’12
Photos: Courtesy of Akash Kaul; courtesy of Tom Sprague; Donald Richards
Akash Kaul ’11, Tom Sprague ’12 and Cory Bishop ’12 (from left) are modernizing how people care for loved ones.

Modernizing Elder Care

Three Bucknellians took an innovative approach to help families manage loved ones’ care
by Nicole Gull McElroy ’00
Akash Kaul ’11, Tom Sprague ’12 and Cory Bishop ’12 are the team behind Unio, an app that helps family members stay informed about loved ones in long-term care facilities.

The idea was born from Kaul’s personal experiences. As a child, he volunteered at a local nursing home in Livingston, N.J., with his father and brother. They’d spend hours playing bingo and keeping the residents company at meal times. “My dad wanted to instill an appreciation and respect for elders in us,” he says.

After graduating from Bucknell as an anthropology major, Kaul decided to attend medical school. But life threw him a curveball when he found himself in the position of being the legal guardian for a family member in a nursing home. “Juggling intensive care along with medical school was one of the most difficult things I had done,” he says. “I couldn’t imagine how overwhelming it could have been without professional familiarity with medicine.”

Alumni Profile

Fluent Futures

Inspired by her love of languages, Yani Lettman Peyton ’93 created a program that preps young children for life as global citizens
by Katie Neitz
Yani Lettman Peyton ’93 arrived at Bucknell with a clear plan to pursue a career in medicine. But as she delved into her science classes, doubts crept in. Was this truly her passion, or was she merely conforming to her parents’ expectations?

Following her heart meant pursuing a different path. She became a management major, earned her MBA and found success and satisfaction in positions at MetLife, Bankers Trust and T. Rowe Price.

But six years into her career at T. Rowe Price, she had another change of heart. “When I had my twins in 2003, I realized I wanted to share my love of language and culture with them,” Peyton says.

Peyton was raised in a bilingual household by Costa Rican parents. She says she always had an appreciation for her parents’ heritage, language and culture, but it became more pronounced when she had children.

Yani Lettman Peyton smiling outdoors
Photo: Kevin Ewing Jr.
Yani Lettman Peyton ’93 created a language immersion program to teach Spanish and Mandarin to children as young as two years old.

The Big Picture

Senior Producer Jeesoo Park ’07 works behind the scenes to combine cinematic storytelling with breaking news coverage
by Matt Jones
In between her junior and senior years at Bucknell, Jeesoo Park ’07 took an internship with NBC’s Today show and realized that she wanted to pursue a career in journalism. At first, she was intrigued by the idea of working in morning news as an anchor or correspondent, but she soon discovered a different calling. “To me, the power lay more behind the camera as opposed to in front of it,” says Park, who majored in English — literary studies before going on to complete a graduate degree at Columbia Journalism School.

Following stints as a producer at ABC, CNN and National Geographic, Park is now a senior producer at The New York Times, where she manages a field-reporting team and guides visual storytelling. It’s her job to not only commission and assign news stories, but to oversee her team throughout the editorial process. “I am always asking questions, making sure we’re getting the answers we need and talking to the right people. And so I serve as collaborator and editor,” says Park.

Portrait headshot close-up photo view of Jeesoo Park smiling in a black blouse
Photo: courtesy of Jeesoo Park ’07
As a senior producer at The New York Times, Jeesoo Park ’07 tackles breaking news and crafts cinematic stories.

Rooke Family Receives William Bucknell Philanthropy Award

by Kate Williard
In recognition of their generosity and loyalty, Robert C. Rooke H’10, G’06, G’07, G’12, and his wife, Natalie G’06, G’07, G’12, have received the prestigious William Bucknell Philantropic Award. This award, which has only been bestowed once before — to Ken ’57, P’83 and Elaine Langone P’83 in 2019 — was announced at Reunion 2024.

“The name Rooke is synonymous with our University,” says President John Bravman. “This award celebrates not only what they have done very concretely with bricks, but it also recognizes Bob, Natalie and the Rooke family legacy. Our University is a stronger, more vibrant institution because of their generosity.”

The Rooke family’s impact is evident across Bucknell’s campus — from the Robert L. Rooke Chapel to the Rooke Science Center. Bob and Natalie have backed more than 30 initiatives, with their contributions nearing $15 million. They have supported infrastructure, giving generously to the Bucknell University General Building Fund and the Holmes Hall building project, and bolstered Bucknell’s music program through gifts to the Sigfried Weis Music Building, the William A. Payn Music Scholarship, the R. C. Rooke Chapel Music Program and the Rooke Chapel Organ Assistants Fund.

Portrait headshot close-up photo view of President John Bravman presenting Bob Rooke H’10, G’06, G’07, G’12 with the William Bucknell Philanthropic Award at a private event in July 2023 as both of them are smiling at a table seated down with the award situated on top of the table in the middle between them
Photo: Mark Elliott
President John Bravman presented Bob Rooke H’10, G’06, G’07, G’12 with the William Bucknell Philanthropic Award at a private event in July 2023.

Bridging the Gap

Colbey Russell ’24 is Bucknell’s first Public Safety officer to graduate from the University
by Sarah Downey ’25
Like any nervous first-year student, Colbey Russell ’24 meticulously studied his schedule and planned his route around campus before his first day of classes. Russell made a point to arrive early to each class so he could personally introduce himself to students. As a member of Bucknell’s Office of Public Safety, it was important for him to establish a connection with his classmates. “I wanted to be transparent about my position,” he says. “I didn’t want my presence to make anyone uncomfortable or cause somebody to not fully engage in a classroom setting.”
Portrait close-up photo view of Colbey Russell smiling in his Bucknell's Office of Public Safety officer uniform outfit featuring a dark navy blue polo top with his gold-colored badge equipped on it, his name imprinted in white on the polo top which says SERGEANT C. RUSSELL, and his other black-colored gadget work devices equipped on his polo top plus khaki light beige colored cargo pants as he poses with his left arm situated on top of the Bucknell Public Safety custom-themed SUV car on campus during the day
Photo: Emily Paine
Colbey Russell ’24 graduated from Bucknell in four years while working full-time in Bucknell’s Office of Public Safety.
In May, Russell became the first Bucknell Public Safety officer to graduate from the University. Russell, who completed degrees in education and psychology, began working at Bucknell in 2014. He had always envisioned himself becoming a secondary education teacher in physics and mathematics. “After high school, I attended two semesters of college before life took me in a different direction,” he says. “I wanted to have a positive role in my community, which led me to Bucknell’s Office of Public Safety.”



June Chapman Wood, March 18, Port Washington, N.Y.


Mary Ann Gregg Scott, Feb. 8, Upper St. Clair, Pa.

Josephine Pierce Sierer, Jan. 19, Fort Collins, Colo.


Helen Gilmour Huber, Feb. 14, Rhinebeck, N.Y.


Bobbie Lenox Miller, Feb. 10, Dover, Del.

Robert Rothermel, March 29, Danville, Pa.

Caryl Schmidt Williams, Dec. 25, Tempe, Ariz.


David Kahn P’98, Jan. 23, Bronx, N.Y.

Dale Ranck P’77, Jan. 16, Milton, Pa.


Lu Swetland Carman, Jan. 23, Minneapolis, Minn.

Mary Jane Brokaw Swanson, March 10, Hendersonville, N.C.


Glen Miller, Feb. 24, Tumwater, Wash.

Barbara Davenport Neville, Feb. 19, Center Tuftonboro, N.H.


Fred Amsler, March 5, Northumberland, Pa.

Dean Beugless, Feb. 2, Warminster, Pa.

in memoriam

Stuart Berelson ’59, P’85, P’91

Portrait headshot close-up photo view of Stuart Berelson smiling in a dark navy blue business suit with a white button-up dress shirt underneath and a multi-colored (blue, red, yellow) tie equipped showing a floral design pattern mimicked all over the tie

Photo: Courtesy of Special Collections/University Archives

Devoted Bucknell supporter Stuart Berelson ’59, P’85, P’91 died May 20.

After graduating from high school at age 16, Berelson attended Bucknell, where he was a member of ROTC and joined Bucknell’s inaugural men’s swimming and diving team. He went on to earn a law degree from New York University School of Law and served two years in Germany as a military police officer for the Army. Following his military service, he began his distinguished law career. He specialized in taxation and estate planning, representing a wide range of clients in commercial and residential real estate and construction.

Berelson was a dedicated and generous alumnus of Bucknell, serving on the Board of Trustees and as an emeritus trustee. In 1993, he established the Berelson Center for Jewish Life at Bucknell, creating a vibrant space for Jewish life on campus. His contributions were recognized with the Alumni Association’s Loyalty to Bucknell Award in 2009.

Berelson is survived by his wife, Betty P’85, P’91, four children, including Joel Berelson ’85 and Wendy Berelson ’91, and three grandchildren.

Donations in his memory may be made to the Berelson Center for Jewish Life at give.bucknell.edu.

in memoriam

Michael “Mick” Smyer

Portrait headshot close-up photo view of Michael Smyer smiling in a black business suit and white button-up dress shirt underneath and a orange gradient colored tie equipped in which the tie has tiny circular shapes and intersecting lines connecting throughout all these circular shapes

Photo: Cardoni Photography

Michael “Mick” Smyer, emeritus professor of psychology, former provost of Bucknell University and dedicated advocate for environmental sustainability, died May 3.

During his tenure as provost from 2008 to 2015, Smyer distinguished himself as a visionary leader, overseeing academic and student affairs with a blend of wisdom and compassion. His expertise in psychology, particularly in understanding the aging process and its societal implications, earned him national recognition. Beyond academia, Smyer was committed to leveraging the influence of older individuals to drive positive change in environmental policy, a cause to which he dedicated his later years.

Following his time at Bucknell, Smyer embarked on a new chapter as the founder of Growing Greener, an organization devoted to empowering individuals and groups to take meaningful climate action through psychology-informed strategies and engagement tools. Additionally, as a senior fellow in social innovation at Babson College’s Lewis Institute (now the Institute for Social Innovation), he continued his work to apply entrepreneurial thinking to address climate challenges.

Smyer is survived by his wife of nearly 49 years, Pat Piper-Smyer, two sons, a daughter, and four grandsons.


Reconnect with Classmates

Join BucknellConnect, the private online alumni community and directory that allows you to connect with Bucknell alumni across all class years, majors and regions.
back view of a woman with long brown hair relaxing in one of two white A-frame swings with a Bucknell orange bench

Photo: Emily Paine

Swing by Campus for a Swing

As its senior tribute, the Class of 2024 collaborated with Bucknell’s Facilities team to have four A-frame bench swings installed on campus. The swings, which have been placed in the Grove and at the South Campus Apartments, are aimed at fostering a sense of community among students. One swing honors the memory of their classmate Christian Samay ’24.

Mark your calendar!

Plan ahead to join us for our signature campus experiences this fall.

Bucknell Family Weekend

Sept. 20–22, 2024

Bucknell Homecoming
Oct. 18–19, 2024

Write to Us

We love to hear from readers. Send your feedback, insights, compliments and complaints.

Write to us at: bmagazine@bucknell.edu or Bucknell Magazine, One Dent Drive, Lewisburg, PA, 17837

Answer This:

If you could go back in time and change your major, what would you study instead, and why?

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Join our LinkedIn community to stay in touch,
share feedback and respond to future prompts: linkedin.com/school/bucknell-university

See the Weis Center’s New Look!

The Weis Center for the Performing Arts has unveiled its lineup for the 2024–25 season, boasting 23 performances spanning genres such as world music, contemporary dance, cirque, jazz, classical, Americana/folk and family-friendly shows. Subscriptions are now open for purchase, offering a 20% discount on five or more performances. Single tickets will be available for purchase starting Aug. 8.

In addition to preparing for upcoming performances, the Weis Center is also undergoing renovations this summer. The center’s HVAC and architectural lighting systems are being updated with new LED lighting and energy-efficient heating and cooling systems to align with the University’s sustainability practices. When the center reopens in the fall, you’ll notice some updated features of the Weis Center atrium lobby.

mouse click icon
Get your tickets at bucknell.edu/boxoffice


What song reminds you of your college years?

“I look back fondly on my days playing music on the campus radio station 90.5 WVBU and jamming with my friends to ‘Cbat’ by Hudson Mohawke, which was featured on Workaholics.”

Tom Murphy ’17 smiling while DJ’ing in 2013
Photo: Sawyer Owens ‘17

Tom Murphy ’17 DJ’ing in 2013.

“ ’Rather Be’ by Clean Bandit. This song played during my first days at Bucknell, specifically during Arts Everywhere Pre-Orientation (now Arts First), and it became one of those core memories of being with a bunch of wonderful people in what seemed to be a timeless moment.”
Livia Somkuti ’18
“Dave Matthews Band’s ‘Under the Table and Dreaming’ — one of the soundtracks to my Bucknell experience.”
Becky Natiello ’97

“ ‘Crazy Train’ by Ozzy Osbourne and ‘Holiday’ by Green Day. I had so much fun playing those two songs at the Bucknell basketball games with the Bison Band!”

Morgan Thomas ’23
“ ‘Africa’ by Toto because the Bison Chips always sang it.”
Elisabeth Hulette Daugherty ’03
“ ‘Glory Days’ by Bruce Springsteen. The Born in the U.S.A. album released shortly before my freshman year, and the song captures my wistful feelings for Lewisburg!”
Justin Tillinghast ’89

Caption Contest

Caption Contest
vintage black and white photo of man and woman packing car trunk with luggage
Photo: Courtesy of Special Collections/University Archives
Submit your caption BMAGAZINE@BUCKNELL.EDU
Compose a clever caption. The five best sent by Aug. 30 will win a cool Bucknell T-shirt.
SUBMIT A PHOTO Have a vintage Bucknell image that deserves captioning?
Send high-resolution images to bmagazine@bucknell.edu for consideration.

Alumni Recognized for Dedication and Service

During Reunion Weekend, the Bucknell University Alumni Association lauded four Bucknellians for their notable contributions to the University and society. These individuals embody the Bucknellian spirit, marked by their leadership, strength of character, intellectual exploration, creativity and imagination.
by Kate Williard

Loyalty to Bucknell Award

Michael Sinkus ’74, M’76, P’90
Sinkus routinely engages with alumni to encourage others to give back to the University. He has served on the Bison Board for Athletics, the Bucknell University Alumni Association Board of Directors (including the executive committee) and multiple Reunion committees. He is a member of both the William Bucknell Society and the Bertrand Society. Throughout his 45-year career at the fundraising firm Marts & Lundy, Sinkus used his knowledge of higher education to advocate for financial aid, the liberal arts and programs that encourage critical thinking.

Outstanding Achievement in a Chosen Profession

Robert J. Gamgort ’84, P’16
Throughout his 38-year career in consumer products and entertainment, Gamgort has led various iconic brands and blue-chip companies. He serves as CEO of Keurig Dr Pepper, one of North America’s largest beverage companies, and moved into the role of executive chairman in 2024. In addition, Gamgort is a director for Chobani and NVA and Ethos Veterinary Health companies. He and his wife, Sue DeMent Gamgort ’84, P’16, financially support the Gateway Scholars Program.

Service to Humanity

Richard Pollard ’74
After joining the Peace Corps post-graduation, Pollard taught in a Nepali village, where poor sanitation motivated him to pursue a master’s degree in water resources management. He led sanitation, research and policy advisory efforts across the globe through the Water and Sanitation Program at the World Bank, serving in Lesotho, Pakistan, Nepal, India, Bangladesh and Indonesia, as well as across Central Asia and the Middle East. In retirement, he volunteers at the Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum and as a court-appointed special advocate for children.

Young Alumni Award

Eric Diamond ’09
Diamond founded MainLine Solar as a post-graduation entrepreneurial venture, then transitioned into military service as a Chinook helicopter pilot. Subsequently, he worked for Uber, Etsy, Tesla and the federal government before joining Greencastle Consulting. As president of the implementation firm, Diamond contributes to the company’s military influenced approach to project management, change management, process improvement and business intelligence initiatives.

Witty Winners

student standing on the back of another student
Photo: Courtesy of Special Collections/University Archives

Submit your caption for the retro photo on the opposite page to bmagazine@bucknell.edu by Aug. 30.

Here are our favorite caption submissions from the last issue:
“Living in land-locked Lewisburg, Laura learned body-surfing, loving it. Brad became board.”
John D. Ingersoll ’75
“When you’re from Hawaii, and you go to college in central Pennsylvania, you have to be creative in practicing your surfing moves.”
Meredith “Pretzel” Black Cachuela ’82
“Just another smart Bison combo: virtual surfing major with chiropractic minor.”
Bradford Yates M’74
“I don’t care much for this mating ritual.”
Elliott Merrill ’61
“This wasn’t exactly what I had in mind when I signed up for body-surfing lessons.”
Margaret Witherup ’91
Where I Belong

On the Susquehanna River

students rowing on the Susquehanna River
For Kona Glenn ’25 (second from the front), rowing is more than a sport; it’s a source of serenity.
“I grew up on the Jersey Shore, so being on the water makes me feel at home.”
by Kona Glenn ’25
photograph by Emily PainE
When I started rowing in high school, I discovered that it was more than a sport. It has been a source of tranquility and has made me a calmer person. Through rowing, I have learned that the best way to get through rough, choppy water is to stay calm. The more tense you are, the shorter your stroke and the more unbalanced the boat will be, making the water harder to get through. By staying calm and relaxing your shoulders and hands, the boat will be more balanced, and it almost glides through the waves. I have taken this mindset off the water, and now find myself relaxed in almost any situation.

Spending so much time in nature has allowed me to practice gratitude. Because the water is such a quiet place, the smallest aspects of nature become amplified. Whether it is the way the sun is hitting the water, or the sound of the water flowing, or the way the hills frame the river in just the right way, it is all so incredible and gives me a deeper appreciation for this planet we live on.

My favorite time to be on the water is at sunrise, when the world is quiet. It allows me to find a sense of peace and focus before beginning my busy day. I love being able to see where the starry night meets the orange glow of the sun, and then it emerges into some amazing colors that are different each day. The stunning backdrop of the morning sky makes the sacrifice of sleep worth it.

In June, Bison track-and-field star Evie Bliss ’27 placed sixth in the javelin at the U.S. Olympic Trials in Eugene, Ore. The rising sophomore set a personal best of 183 feet, 2 inches. She’ll compete at the World U20 Championships in Lima, Peru, in August. You’ll be able to learn more about Bliss in the Fall 2024 issue of Bucknell Magazine.

photograph by Howard Lao

Evie Bliss throwing a javelin
Bucknell logo
Thanks for reading our Summer 2024 issue!