The Art of Acquisition
Through the new Trevisani Art Acquisition Program, members of Bucknell’s Samek Museum Art Club will coordinate the effort among students to select a piece of art each year for inclusion in the Samek’s permanent collection. The program will help students learn about art valuation, negotiation, acquisition and conservation through trips to art galleries and museums as well as on-campus visits by art experts. Students will review and analyze the pieces under consideration for purchase and engage in discussions that will ultimately lead to the selection of a new work of art.
“I have been passionate about art since taking Art in the Dark at Bucknell,” Trevisani says. “Not only for what art brings aesthetically, but also the history, research and analysis, diversity and evaluation of art as an investment. I’m honored to be part of introducing these dynamics to students.”
This spring, the first student-selected artwork was added to the Samek collection. Becoming — Yellow by Damien H. Ding aims to spark conversations about transformation. “In our review, we considered the mission of increasing representation of BIPOC and LGBTQ artists in the collection,” says Camoni Mullins-Warren ’25, president of the Samek Museum Art Club. “Through our purchase, we helped convey the message of change we want to see in the world through art.” — Kate Williard