In the late ’50s, a woman didn’t automatically think of working after college. Most expected to get married and raise a family. I applied for a job with the CIA so I could travel the world, but I quickly found that it took six months for them to do a background check on me, so off I went to work in Philadelphia. Unbeknownst to me, my parents were selling my childhood home and moving to Florida, 1,100 miles from me. Yikes! I wasn’t ready for that, and I left for Florida.
Since retirement I have led our floundering local symphony orchestra board to solvency and success. I am a board member of the local public library’s Friends of the Library and the local Public Policy Institute (which is currently studying causes and solutions to homelessness). I am part of a team of four helping a retired newspaper editor and columnist publish a collection of his articles about the history of our county.
All of this is not to say what I personally have accomplished, so much as it is to say what a Bucknell liberal arts degree has enabled me to accomplish, with the help of a great father.