How to Manage a Home Contractor

Illustration: Joel Kimmel

Research them. Get recommendations. Make sure they’re insured. Go see their work if you can. When you get cost numbers that you like, double or triple check them.

Aside from hiring someone incompetent, it’s not doing any financial planning. Don’t start a project and then say, “Oops! We’re out of money, and the kitchen isn’t done.”

With a good plan in hand from the start, the client should have everything exactly as they want, with some caveats. There is always trouble of some sort — unexpected complications, like bad weather or people getting sick.

Besides incompetence, it’s inattention to the project. They get stretched too thin. Ideally, the contractor is doing only one job at a time.

Simplicity is a good thing. The less complicated it is, the easier it is to build it right. Don’t build an octagonal house unless you want to bang your head against the wall.